Friday, April 23, 2010

An attempt at breaking the funk

I've said this so much in the past month. I just cant seem to win / play well for the duration of a session. Sure I will start out well but then just completely fall apart at some point and erase all the progress I've made. Its been the same for about three weeks, I will be grinding and get up about $200 and then in a matter of seconds will just give it all back and be like wtf was that?
So I've decided a day away from the virtual felt might be in order. So what do I decide to do on my day off ? Golf ? A ballgame ? TV and a chill out ? No of course not, I'm not that smart....
I'm off to Winstar casino, nothing like some live poker to get rid of the run bad / play bad. Sign me up for 30 hands an hour of juicy live action.